Each season corresponds to different organ energies, according to Chinese medicine. Autumn is associated with the Colon and Lung meridians, which are energetic pathways on the body that influence the health of our actual organs and physiological functions.
The Colon is the organ of elimination that removes the last bits of water, salt and nutrients. When the Colon is functioning optimally, we move our bowels regularly and with ease. We are also able to clear toxins from our system on the physical, emotional and mental levels.
The Lungs regulate the entire rhythm of the body with the ebb and flow of the breath. The Lungs enable us to make energy (qi) from the air we breathe and are important to our immune system.
If our Lungs or Colon is out of balance, we might experience frequent colds or flus, allergies, low immunity, sinus or nasal congestion, asthma, irritable or inflammatory bowel issues, chronic dryness, skin conditions, and fatigue.
Each season offers us an opportunity to improve our health all year round by paying special attention to the meridians associated with the energy of the season.
Here are some tips for improving your health this fall:
- Check out my YouTube video on how to stimulate your Lung and Colon meridians
- Practice diaphragmatic breathing rather than shallow chest breathing. Sing in the shower, take up a woodwind or horn instrument to strengthen your Lungs.
- Practice dry skin brushing and thymus tapping to improve your immune function. *I also demonstrate these on my You Tube channel.
- Both the Lungs and Colon have a rhythm. Establish a consistent routine for your days as to the time you wake up, go to bed, exercise, and eat meals.
- Stretch your chest frequently to expand your rib cage and give your Lungs space to breathe.
- Allow yourself to be inspired. Take a walk in nature, visit a museum or musical performance, read inspirational prose or poetry, express your creative side.
- Eat local, in-season cooked fruits and veggies for the fiber. Daikon radishes are mild, yet great for congested Lungs. Ginger also helps thin mucus. Pear juice and raw honey soothe dry throats and Lungs. Eat apples, pears, squashes, etc. for their fiber. Just remember to also add healthy fats to your meals such as nuts, avocado, pastured butter, coconut oil, olive oil, etc. Fiber provides bulk, but you need oil to lube the tube.
- Hearty bone stock contains lots of soothing gelatin for an inflamed gut and lots of good amino acids that boost your immune system.
- Add fermented foods to your diet like Kombucha, raw sauerkraut, kefir, good quality, unsweetened yogurt, and/or a probiotic to enhance your gut, the foundation of our immune system. If you are exposed to someone who is sick, take extra fermented foods or probiotics.
- Before you get out of bed in the morning, do a single knee squeeze of each leg and then massage your abdomen in a clockwise motion to stimulate your bowels.
- Clean your closets and cabinets of the outdated or unused items. Make a donation to the thrift shop.
- Ask your doctor to check your Vitamin D levels to ensure that they are in the optimal range. A lot of our immunity
Treat Fall Allergies Naturally
If ragweed and other fall blooms have you sneezing and stuffy, include these natural antihistamines in your health regimine: vitamin c, green tea, quercetin, butterbur and astragalus. Ginger helps thin and dry mucus. Homeopathic Sabadil is also great for allergy symptoms. And don’t forget to use your neti pot. I also like xylitol-based nasal sprays to moisturize dry nasal passages, clean out pollutants and allergens, and ease congestion, much less irritating than even saline sprays.
*photo credit Having fun in the leaves, Geoff Livingston, from photopin.